Commodore 64 Diagnostic harness

I’m a geek, you’re a geek, we’re all geeks.

And Geeks often build their own geeky tools.

One of the most powerful hardware debugging tool for a non fully functional commodore 64 is the C-64 Diagnostic Assembly Kit (CBM 326070-01) – this software is powerful because it pokes at hardware using a test harness.

Today’s article will discuss how to come up with a hardware test harness solution for that Diagnostic cartridge.

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What is a Commodore 64 Magic Desk Cart ?

We recently demonstrated how to build a Commodore 64 cart. This was the basic cart as originally planned on the Commodore 64, but at some point they started to develop larger-than-anticipated carts with multiple different standards; one of which is named Magic Desk.

Today’s article will discuss this standard, how it came to be, and how to build such a cart.

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Simplest Tasmota IoT

I’m a geek, you’re a geek, we’re all geeks.

And geeks enjoy building smart objects.

And sometimes they like to do it in the simplest manner possible.

What is the simplest smart object out there? How about a simple set of buttons, not even connected to relays, lights or anything, just buttons to send buttonpresses to the server.

Today’s article will look at building a very, very simple IoT device.

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C64’s Programmable Logic Array [PLA chip] and how to make a replacement

I’m a geek, you’re a geek, we’re all geeks.

And geeks don’t always use stock parts when making their projects, even if said project is to build a commodore 64 from scratch.

One of the custom chips found on the C64 motherboard is a Programmable Logic Array (dubbed PLA) which contains combinatorial logic and is responsible for dictating the memorial map of the computer, enabling bank switching. The PLA is the glue logic that holds the Commodore 64 computer.

But the chip is no longer manufactured, so fixing up a broken C64 or building a brand new one require either to source a vintage (used) part, or to come up with a replacement.

Today’s article will explore such a replacement.

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Commodore 64 debuging – Diagnostic tools

I’m a geek, you’re a geek, we’re all geeks.

For a geek to repair an old, broken Commodore 64, or to build a brand new one, the best tools are needed when it comes to figuring out defective old chips, broken traces or bad sockets.

Today’s article will discuss the what/how/why’s in diagnosing a defective commodore 64.

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