Commodore 64 RF modulator for the 21st century

I’m a geek, you’re a geek, we’re all geeks

and geeks like their vintage aparitus to work on their brand new TV. This is one of the unrationalities of geekdom.

When building a commodore 64 computer from scratch, geeks need to come up with a solution for the RF modulator.

Il old time, there was a modulator to push the video signal into RF-compatible format to be connected on the antenna jack of a television set in order to display video on the TV. This reality has changed now and no analog televisual signal is sent trough the airwaves anymore.

Modern TV generally lack the capability to accept the RF-modulated signal. In modern times, there are better ways to connect anything to a (modern) TV, including the Commodore 64.

In today’s article we will explore the possible RF-Modulator replacement to be installed on a Commodore 64 motherboard.

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