C64 cartridge LED mods

I’m a geek, you’re a geek, we’re all geeks.

And geeks build their own cartridges. And mod their computers.

Why not combine it all and mod their own cartridges?

Today’s article will demonstrate how to implement a few possible LED alterations to a C64 cartridge.

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CPU usage indicator for Commodore 64

I’m a geek, you’re a geek, we’re all geeks.

And geeks play with vintage computers.

And geeks mod their equipment.

So geeks mod their vintage computers.

While the Commodore 64 is the most popular home computer of all time, there is no visual indicator of processor usage. The machine may very well be sleeping or frozen, or it can be processing something important. Like loading the best videogame of the 80s.

This is no problem for a geek…

In today’s article we mod the Commodore 64 in order to add a visual feedback of processor usage.

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