Keyboard terminology

I’m a geek, you’re a geek, we’re all geeks.

And geeks often use advanced hardware. This may come in the form of a specific arcade controller, screen, joystick, or a gaming mouse…

When it comes to keyboards, they are described with percentage such as a 60% keyboard — but what does the percentages mean?

Today we explore the various keyboard sizes and descriptive to try and demystify them.

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Let’s talk about keyboard switches technology

I’m a geek, you’re a geek, we’re all geeks.

Until someone invents neural interfaces, geeks will rely on keyboards and joysticks to interface with computers. but not all keyboards are built equal. Like when choosing their joysticks, geeks may appreciate specific characteristics for their interface of choice.

Programmers, engineers, writers or anyone who type extensively may want a better geek-to-machine interface and their needs may differ for the expert gamer.

That said, getting away from the low-end OEM give-away keyboard comes with it’s share of unknown. Today we discuss various types of modern keyboard keys technology in an effort to demystify what’s what.

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